I'm currently sick...not sick in bed, though...not that bad.
'SICK' by Me
I am sick
Started on Monday
First came the cough and a sore throat
Tried Strepsils
But didn't work
Then a headache developed
Which turned into a fever
Sweated the whole night/morning
Woke up with the aftermath of the fever
Another headache
Body ached
Slept the whole of Tuesday
Woke up feeling much better
Watched Sepet
Bought oranges from Pasar Malam
Felt hungry
Ate a lot
Slept late
Woke up on Wednesday
With a blocked nose
And the stupid sore throat
And a slight headache
Body still aches
Keep fighting my antibodies
Win the battle over them viruses soon
Now, a little review on Sepet. The movie had a nice plot. The direction, or could have been the editing, wasn't very good though. The scenes kept changing very abruptly. Didn't have a good ending too, not by my standards anyway. But seems they won awards. I do not know for what...maybe for best title...hahaha. But it was quite funny, some parts were anyway. I'd give the movie credit for that.
Oh, HAPPY 21st Birthday chi!!!!!! You're OLD!!!!!