I went to college with my brother today to copy our timetables. Mine wasn't out yet. My brother's was. That's a miracle; the School of Arts & Science (SAS) was, for the first time, faster than the School of Business Studies (SBS). All I got for going to college were bites from vampire insects a.k.a. mosquitoes and sweaty/stinky body & t-shirt. But I also got a good laugh
at something while walking back to the LRT station. Though my brother said that I was just being lame. I saw this sign on a stall in a so-called restaurant. One which used to have a sign saying Mee Carry (which, I guess, was supposed to be Mi Kari/Curry Mee). This time it was Murtabak Pak Din. Usually people write Murtabak Ayam or Murtabak Kambing, etc. which meant there's chicken or mutton in the murtabak. So i figured that Murtabak Pak Din would contain Pak Din, whoever he was. Man, that was funny. I don't think they meant that, though, that's why I thought it was damn funny. If they did, they were promoting cannibalism; but where would they get so many Pak Dins?
I had a dream. I guess it was bad for me 'cos it seemed so REAL. Now that I think about it, I find it ridiculous. I dreamt that I forgot I was having an exam at 8 a.m. and I woke up axactly at 8 a.m.! I was in a real panicky situation. I never knew what happened after that 'cos I woke up at that point.