Monday, 14 August 2006

How is it possible..... pass exams
-when there is too much to read & so little time to do so?
-when I'm sitting in front of the computer managing my virtual village (Virtual Villagers, another addictive game), instead of studying?
-when I'm dead beat by the time I walk from the LRT station to the far far away lecture hall (and not to mention waking up before 6 every weekday)?
-when your coursemates try to thwart your plans to study by borrowing your notes because they couldn't try to be attentive in class or because they know that you'll be early and therefore depend on you to take down notes while they waltz in late?
-when it's impossible to concentrate while reading something due to lack of sleep?

PS: Boy, am I glad I dropped Tax. I would've dropped dead long before if I didn't switch to BIM.
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