Sunday, 1 April 2007


After being absent from blogging for more than a month I decided that I should at least update it with one (not-so-long) post. *Note to self: Should stop being lazy* [Not that I have lots to blog about with the mundane life I'm living.]

First off, I'll need to fulfil Kat's tag on me.

Each person starts out by telling 6 weird things about themselves. People who get tagged need to write (in their own blog) 6 weird things as well and state the rules clearly. In the end, you need to choose 6 people to be tagged and list their names. After you do that, leave each of them a comment letting them know you tagged them and the cycle goes on.
  1. I eat certain things in a weird way. A few examples:
    • When I eat Filet-O-Fish™, I will first eat the bun (top then bottom), then peel off the cheese to eat, eat the outer part of the filet and finally the inside of the fish. Yummy!
    • Nuggets - same way as I eat the filet.
    • KitKat - First is to eat the outer chocolate layer, then eat each wafer one by one.
  2. I usually do not eat lunch when I have classes. I will fall asleep during class.
  3. I have developed OCB (Obsesive Compulsive Behaviour). My current status (according to my brother): SUPER OCB-ish.
  4. I do not have much patience with people as I do with things (such as jigsaw puzzles).
  5. I HATE talking on the phone.
  6. 80% of my iTunes playlist is filled with songs in languages I do not understand (i.e. Korean & Japanese).
I don't think I have 6 people with blogs to tag. Chi, May Kuan, Christine, Nisa, Lei Ye (5 should do it, no?) - tagged!

I had a few things in mind to blog about but unfortunately, time has erased those thoughts.
Will just post up a few pictures (and a video) instead.

Doogie in action - being lazy

More on Uno

Watch this

These are the things people draw on the tables during lecture.
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