Saturday, 29 May 2010

Reprise: Appealing...but is it really?

The HTC Desire was finally launched in Malaysia on 27th May 2010, and will be available exclusively via Maxis for one month. The RRP is RM2,199, while the promotional price is RM1,499 with a 12 month contract of a Maxis Rate Plan + Data Plan. The offer was so tempting that I dragged my family to a Maxis Centre with me today to find out more, and also to get my hands on one. After asking two questions, I decided that I don't want to sign up for the offer because it wouldn't be worth it for me (it'll probably be worth it for the peeps who are already signed up for a Value Plus Rate Plan). The answers that I got for the two questions I asked were negative:

1. The RM10 rebate on the Data Plan, which is included in the Maxis Android offer, will only be applicable for the 12-month contract period. After the contract period is over, the subscriber will have to pay the normal Data Plan rates.

2. If the data usage exceeds the limit for the Data Plan, the subscriber will have to pay additional charges on top of the Rate-Plan-plus-Data-Plan charges for the additional data used. In other words, the additional usage will not piggy back on the Rate Plan.

These were enough for me to stay away from the offer since my phone usage (for calls, texts, and MMS) hardly exceeds RM20 per month.

Oh, and another thing, I found out through a blog (Malaysia Mobile Tech News), that since one has to sign up for the contract (which, apparently, is only on the Data Plan), there is no flexibility of changing the Data Plan within the contract period.

Well, I can wait.
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