Wednesday, 1 March 2006

More people!

So, had orientation today. Another one more day of orientation tomorrow. Pretty boring. Anyway, more vacation trainees are joining the group I'm in - Tax (Human Capital). Yay! But I hope that doesn't mean that I'll be getting less work to do. It's a torture to sit through an hour plus with nothing to do (Monday was a pretty boring day). I'd rather have work to do than sit down and do nothing! I nearly had to sit through another torturous hour yesterday. Luckily I asked someone for work. *phew*

It is best NOT to tailgate a car in front of you. My father nearly banged the car in front of us yesterday when that car's driver suddenly hit the brakes (I could even hear the screeching sound). But I couldn't really tell whether my dad was tailgating 'cos from where I was sitting, I couldn't see. But just to be on the safe side, NEVER EVER TAILGATE!!!!!
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