Tuesday, 23 May 2006

Okay, so I'm terrible

I finished a whole family-size bar of chocolate today. Yeah, call me terrible. But it was really delicious. The blame should not entirely be on me. I didn't want to buy it but my mum insisted on buying it some 3 or 4 years ago. So the bars (there were 2, one was finished yesterday...haha) of chocolate were sitting in the fridge for a good 3 or 4 years. They have since expired. Well, luckily they were in the fridge or they would've gone to waste. As there was no more good junk around at home, it was my only option of junk food for the day. Cadbury's Black Forest is the best!

Horoscope: "Today could be a major turning point -- keep your eyes open for unusual overtures."
Despite a fairly calm and quiet beginning, today could end up being a massive turning point for you. It all depends on who you are around today -- romantic prospects or current partners can influence your receptiveness, so try to keep all correspondence high-level and upbeat. The less distracted you are, the more likely it is that you'll be able to recognize an unusual invitation or proposal. A door is opening, so get ready to stick your foot in to keep it from slamming shut again.
I'm still waiting for that unusual invitation/proposal. Where's my big opportunity?! Haha. I guess it's not here yet. I've been sitting at home the whole day bumming in front of the computer. But hey, I woke up at 12 pm today! 5 hours earlier than I planned to wake up! An achievement (to be proud

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