Saturday, 13 May 2006

Donated blood

Went to Tung Shin Hospital to donate blood. Was helping out my mum's friend whose mother needs 2 pints (=1.136 522 5 litres) of blood. And so I found out that my haemoglobin level is 12.5, which is at the borderline. And with this known fact, I got lecturing! So much for helping. Hmph! Just Yahoo!-ed "haemoglobin level". According to the National Blood Service of England & North Wales, there are 3 (main) reasons why one has a low haemoglobin level:
  • Some people tend to have a 'low-ish' level. This is not due to any health problem, just that some of us normally have a lower level of haemoglobin than others.
  • The haemoglobin level may vary with the weather. Some people tend to get a slightly lower reading when it gets hot.
  • A shortage of iron. We need to make haemoglobin. If the body is short of iron the haemoglobin may fall below normal.

So there. It's not because I'm unhealthy (please disregard the last reason in considering the level of my haemoglobin ) that my haemoglobin level is heading towards the low side.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my dearest senior, MICHELLE LIEW CHEE CHIN!!!!!!!!!
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