Tuesday, 28 June 2005


During the conference, we were given a personality test to do. Most of us were yellows. According to the speaker, we were in big trouble as aspiring accountants should be green. To take the test, click here.

Sunday, 26 June 2005

Birthday & Student Conference

I am old! An achievement?......Maybe. Woke up at 1.30 p.m. Slept for more than 12 hours. Went to eat crabs at Teluk Gong. Yum!

Yesterday, 25th June 2005, My 20th Birthday:

Woke up at 5.45 a.m. because I thought that my bro was going to college at the same time as my sis and me. He wasn't. Reached the college hall at 8.00 a.m. for the TARC-ACCA Student Conference 2005. Had an OK time there. Was basically held to help those who attended develop their soft skills. Well, mine needs lots of
developing. Registration was at 8.00 a.m. We were divided into groups of about 14 people per group. I was in group 2. It started at around 8.30 a.m. with speeches by the president of the FA society, a guy from ACCA and the Principal of TARC, who opened the conference. Then we had a tea break. Ate an egg sandwich. Then we had a workshop. There was a speaker, Ms Pauline Loong (I think that's how her name is spelt). She was quite funny, but it was pretty boring listening. For the fist session, she spoke about communication. The second session, which was after lunch was on goals/profession. She had some activities for us though which was quite fun. The activities required us to communicate with each other/listen/think. One activity required us to listen to her instructions and we had to draw out whatever she asked us to. The following are the instructions (roughly 'cos I couldn't remember exactly what she said):

  1. Draw an oval to fill the whole page.
  2. Draw a star on the first third of the oval.
  3. Draw two stars at the middle of the oval.
  4. Colour in the latter stars.
  5. Draw horizontal, wavy lines over the two stars.
  6. Draw a letter M on the bottom thrid of the oval.
  7. Draw a letter W to meet the letter M.
  8. Draw a wavy line along the outer top-half of the oval.
The bottom pictures show what I drew and what the picture should have looked like (right). I obviously wasn't listening to what she said 'cos mine came out looking really funny.

The conference ended at 5.45 p.m. which was later than planned.

Reached home at 6-something p.m. Didn't have the chance to bathe as we were already late. So, packed everything in the car and headed to Gor-ee's house. When we reached there nobody else was there yet, except Jon. Celebrated two birthdays - Lak-ee's (which is on 2nd July) & mine. Dinner was sort of nasi lemak style without the lemak rice. Pong tay!!!!! Fruit rojak - thanks Gor-ee!! Incidentally, my group's name was ROJAK because we had people from different states in our group. Had a nice time sitting in Gor-ee's garden. Wasn't hot 'cos it was breezy. Was feeling sleepy so went back at around 12 a.m. which is actually quite early considering that we used to chat till 1/2 a.m. K.O.ed the minute I reached home.

The top collage is of me cutting the cake with my cousin's son, Wesley. The bottom one is of family. Look at how tired my cousin Kat is. Her mum, my Lak-ee, asked to take these pics of her sleeping.
Lots of thanks to the people who remembered my birthday! This was the only day I received SMSes from So many different people.
  • My family.
  • June Ann, Pey Tzy, Hon Ching (how did he get my HP no.?), Rach, Sook Peng, May Kuan - Thanks for your SMSes.
  • Lei Ye - Thanks for ur e-card!
People have been asking me what I wanted for my birthday. The answer was always MONEY! Their reactions were all the same - CANNOT!. Hey, you guys asked me what I wanted and I want money. Therefore, I have IOUs.

This is to my sister: There is something I want for my birthday present. I'm sure this is something you can afford as it doesn't involve money. I would like you to put family first instead of your stinking friends for a whole year starting 1st July 2005. You cannot cancel outings with the family just because your friend(s) asked you to go out with them. You cannot allow your friends to use the computer unless they pay for it 'cos it's not fair to Cheong who gets scolding very often for using the computer too much while your friends can use it for free. If you agree to this do get back to me. Otherwise just ignore this post. Oh, another thing is that if you agree to this and do not follow it, you'll have to give me what I asked for earlier.

Friday, 24 June 2005

I'm gonna be old

Aiks! It's my last day as a teenager. I'm gonna be 20 (which = OLD!). But, it's an achievement.

Wednesday, 22 June 2005


I'm feeling really disgruntled now. Here's why:
I was in my brother's room doing my homework when my sister's friend called her. She wanted to use the computer so my sister said that she could use it. THIS is why I'm feeling what I'm feeling right now. I mean, it's really unfair that my brother gets told off for using the computer everyday (he's family), while my sister is allowed to allow her friends to use the computer FOC! Since when did our house turn into a free-of-charge Internet cafe for her friends?! It's not the first time. She's allowed a few other friends, before this, to use our computer. *SIGH* But there's nothing I can say about it (except for here). Friends always come first for her, family is way behind somewhere.

I just watched The Naked Chef. I didn't know it's so easy to make Tempura batter.
  • 1 cup corn flour
  • 2 cups plain flour
  • Ice cold water
Then when finished frying sprinkle salt on the Tempura stuff.
I'm hungry now .

Tuesday, 21 June 2005

New bag

My mum sewed this bag for me! Yay! Thanks a lot mum! She started sewing it yesterday and finished it today. The right pic is the inside of the bag.

What a day!

Woke up at the same time as any other weekday - 6 a.m. Slept in the LRT, as usual (real bad habit of mine ). Didn't finish tax homework (again!) so had to do in the canteen and library. Went for tutorial at 10 a.m. Was given different question to do while tutor went out to do his thing. Sheesh, he should have told us he was giving us another question then I wouldn't have had to rush to do my homework. Was less than half way through when he suddenly appeared in the classroom. *POOF*, there he was. I was sitting in front today and nearest to the door so I was the first to kena. He said, 'Let me see what you've done. WHAT?! Why so slow? I gave you half an hour!" Then he went round the whole class commenting on how much each person has done, some getting hit by him for doing nothing at all. Hey, he shouldn't have done that. Some of us came in much later after he left the class and didn't know there was another question waiting for us to be done. And my classmates are really selfish. Couldn't those who were in class early told the others who came late that we had to take the piece of paper lying in front of the class and do the question???!!!!! What's wrong with you people? So he gave us another 5 minutes to "round up our answers". It's really stressful being in his class. He's really demanding: always wanting the perfect answer and if your English is not good, it's likely you're gonna be "made fun of". His class has turned more into an English class rather than a tax class. Luckily I didn't have to answer any question today, I only had to read out a question.

Then went for FMC tutorial. Got coursework today. Uh oh! Seems difficult. Was daydreaming again in lecture.

Came home to find a new bag for muah. Thank you sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much mum!

I finally got my ID number. Got it from the SBS office.

Monday, 20 June 2005

I feel GUILTY!

I feel really guilty for using the computer everyday. Not only is the electricity bill higher than normal (but of course my brother uses the computer much more than me and he doesn't give a rat's ass about the bill), but I'm way behind doing my homework. GAH!

Uh oh, I need to get off the PC now.

Why, oh why?

Oh, why is the library staff so slow? As I'm going for a conference organized by the FA Society, I need to give my new ID number (to whoever is in charge lah). I was told I could get it from the library. I went there and was told that my data had not been entered yet. I applied for a new ID on Thursday last week. This shows how slow they are. Tsk tsk. I shall try again tomorrow.

Why do most mothers like to tell everything about their children to almost everybody they know?? I find it really hard to answer people when they comment on something I did. Really embarrassing sometimes. I'll just have to live with it.

Oh no! Have tax tutorial tomorrow! Have not done yet.

Thursday, 16 June 2005


I just saw a man on a motorcycle spit on the road at the round about. Why????? Why are Malaysians like that? It's really disgusting!
Malaysians are litter bugs I tell you. No wonder it's really hard to keep the country clean.
And DAMN the people who smoke.

Haha. My blog has been viewed 100 times! Thank you people.

Monday, 13 June 2005


No no no noooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!! I dropped my bag today and dented my bottle!!!!!!! Argh.....It was a Christmas gift. I feel sad......

I came acroos a name in my class's name list today. Low Read Learn. Interesting choice of name by that person's parents. It's really unique. But didn't the parents think before naming their child by that name? I mean people will make fun of that person's name. Or unless the person who was filling in the birth certificate had some hearing problems.

Saturday, 11 June 2005


I took these pictures yesterday. I spotted this shape after bathing. I shall look out for more shapes in the bathroom in future.


Went to MidValley Megamall today. Watched.Mr. & Mrs. Smith. It was OK lah. Quite funny here and there. It was a little violent , that's why it's 18SG. I wanted to smack the guy sitting next to me. He kept saying out loud "WOAH!", making funny movements and jumping out of his seat whenever a scene appeared "funny" to him.

Bought 2 new CDs at a Chinese book fair there. Both are under Music for the Heart & Soul by Imee Ooi. Not the kind of music many people enjoy I would say. But it's quite relaxing (when I heard it there lah). Haven't tested them yet. Maybe tomorrow when I'm doing my homework I'll listen to, at least, one of them.

Finally, the group listings are out! Waited two weeks for it. I was hoping that three of us, Lei Ye, June Ann & me would be in the same class. Only Lei Ye & I are in the same class, Group 5 (1 AFA 5). I called Lei Ye to tell her this. She sounded ecstatic when I told her the list is out. But her tone changed when I told her that I'll be in the same class as her whereas June Ann will be in another class. She didn't sound happy. It's either she's disappointed that all three of us aren't in the same class or it's because she's stuck being in the same class with me instead of being in the same class with June Ann.

Cute! Group hug.

Great! I just dropped my phone. Good night!

Thursday, 9 June 2005

Currently watching

Currently watching (TV series): Ups and Downs in the Sea of Love

Channel: TV2
Days & Time: Monday - Friday from 7.00 p.m. to 8.00 p.m.

For the cast and summary, click here

I've watched this on Astro Wah Lai Toi before. I found it quite a nice show. Maybe because it was mostly set in US so you don't see the usual HK buildings and all. Another thing is the soundtrack. The songs are really nice. I find them quite soothing to the ear.

2 weeks down, 12 more to go

Yay! I have no classes tomorrow. My time table is not "tetap" yet as the SBS office people are super SLOW. Well, it's a good thing though because we got to choose which tutorial classes we wanted to attend this week. I didn't want to go to college five times this week so I chose to go for two classes on Tuesday and one yesterday (Wednesday).

I seem to have fallen in love with the Sony Ericsson W800i handphone which is not even out yet. Sigh~~~~
I'm sure it'll be super expensive.

Monday, 6 June 2005

Something about mothers

My aunt (Jee-ee) read this to some of my family members over Skype. She mentioned it when she was in Malaysia. According to a website it was first written by Orien Fifer in the Phoenix Gazette.


I had the meanest mother in the whole world. While other kids ate candy for breakfast, I had to have cereal, eggs and toast. When others had coke and candy for lunch, I had to eat a sandwich. As you can guess, my dinner was also different from other children.

My mother insisted in knowing where we were at all times. You'd think we were on a chain gang. She had to know who our friends were and what we were doing. She insisted that if we said we'd be gone for an hour, that we would be gone for an hour or less.

I am ashamed to admit it, but she actually had the nerve to break the child labor law. She made us work! We had to learn to wash dishes, make beds, learn to cook and all sorts of cruel things. I believe she lay awake nights thinking up mean things for us to do.

She always insisted on telling us the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. By the time we were teenagers she was much wiser, and our lives became rougher.

None of this tooting the horn of a car for us to come running. She embarrassed us no end by making our dates and friends come to the door to get us. I forgot to mention, while my friends were dating at the mature age of 12 and 13, my old-fashioned mother refused to let me date until I was 15 and 16.

My mother was a complete failure as a mother. None of us has ever been arrested, or beaten a spouse. Each of my brothers served his time in the service of his country. And who do wehave to blame for this terrible way we turned out? You are right, our mean mother.

Look at all the things we missed. We never got to take part in a riot, burn our draft cards and a million and one other things that our friends did. She made us grow up into respectful, educated, honest adults.

Using this as a background, I am trying to raise my children. I stand a little taller and I am filled with pride when my children call me mean. You see, I thank God He gave me the meanest mother in the whole world. I think the world could use more mean moms and dads.

Sunday, 5 June 2005


Ah.....I have just finished writing out my notes for the week. It took me a good 4 hours plus but of course I took some breaks in between lah. *OUCH* my aching back. I had to sit on my bed to do my work. Membongkok badan till it ached. Looks like the only way I won't get a back ache is if I hang out in the library again.

Although I have finished doing up my notes, I have not touched any of my tutorials yet.
Man I am so doomed. All I have to do now is pray and hope that I'm not in Group 3. Luckily there's no tutorial for Tax tomorrow as my lecturer is on leave. Whew!

I found a Rule of Logarithm emoticon. Quite cool.

Saturday, 4 June 2005

Oh no!

I am so doomed! It's almost Sunday and I have not written my notes out nor started doing any of my tutorials yet. I think I shall do it after this if I manage to keep myself awake.

I just watched Jumanji on HBO. I didn't know Kristen Dunst started acting since she was a kid.

I've been using Skype a lot these days. It sure beats using the telephone cos it's free. And if you're using a fixed-payment Internet service it's really worth it. I get to communicate with my relatives who are living overseas. But my aunt said that they might be scrapping it soon because telephone companies are losing money. Oh well, I hope they won't do anything about it.

Friday, 3 June 2005

My sign

I am a Cancer.
(Also known as "Crab")
My Horroscope starts like this:
" A failure by definition, a Cancer is both a conservative and an opportunist, stuck in a constant state of self-reflection. Nothing and no one is capable of changing his mind, but he loves to argue, just to make fun of his opponent and look better in his own bulging eyes. " (Read more | Find yours)

Thursday, 2 June 2005

What life should be vs. Reality

Really! People in Advanced Diploma in Commerce (Financial Accounting) cum Part 2 and Part 3 of ACCA 2005/2006 (Year 1), AFA 1 in short, are extremely over-kiasu. Same story again today. Worse then yesterday actually. I've given up all hope of hoping for this kiasuness to stop soon.

Went out for lunch at The Curve today. Ate in the Marche Movenpick Restarurant. Food wasn't that fantastic and was quite expensive. But the restaurant had quite a number of different varieties.
A little info on this restaurant (this was written on the passport given to anybody who enters the restaurant used to order food):
Marche (mar-shay) - which means "market" in French, is a creative, colorful and innovative restaurant concept developed by the Swiss-based Movenpick Group.

Food they have:
  • Seafood
  • Pasta
  • Grill
  • Pizza
  • Rosti
  • Soup
  • World
  • Vegetable
  • Salad
  • Pastry
  • Dessert
  • Ice cream
  • Coffee
  • Wine
  • Juice
I was just thinking. It would be so nice if I was just sleeping outdoors on nice soft grass, under a clear blue sky, with a tree nearby, flowers around me, no mosquitoes, nothing to think about and a piano player playing a grand piano. Ah, that would be the life. But of course I was thinking of this when I just woke up from a short nap.

Yes!!!! no classes tomorrow. But not for long, I'll probably have classes next week. Bleh! I don't like college, but what am I doing there???? I amaze myself sometimes.

Wednesday, 1 June 2005

Ahhhhh!!!!!!! Cannot tahan!!!!!!

Oh my, oh my. The kiasuness of the people in Advanced Diploma seems to be getting from bad to worse. Advanced Diploma is really different from Diploma; I am refering to the people, not the course. I had a lecture at 8.00 a.m. today. Of all my two years in Diploma, whenever I had an early morning lecture (i.e. 8.00 a.m.), the lecture hall was never ever half full at 7.55 a.m. But today, I got the shock of my life! I entered the lecture hall at 7.55 a.m. to find it more than half full!!!! And it was the front rows that were bulging with people. My gosh! They either could not sleep and decided to go to college early (maybe 6.00 a.m.?) or they're really really really KIASU! I don't know whether I can stand this any longer. But it's only the 3rd day. *SIGH~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*